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  • Asylum Gang

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  1. You know there are more then enough rats on this server that would literally have a tracker on their car with the map open looking where you take their car just to be able to report lol Drive to chop from somewhere like pyrgos with a tempest device hf driving for half an hour just to get there
  2. Since the rules around blowing cars have changed with shedding being not allowed anymore, maybe would be an idea to add an arson kit for vehicles. Most vehicles can be blown up with a .50, but for bigger trucks this would be great.
  3. These suggestions almost as bad as the new rules on shedding / reviving LOL
  4. Chinese have been around for 3 years+- nothings ever been done about them nothing ever will, game is already dying as it is so it's more server pop during EU / i guess asian times?? also they donate alot to the server keeping it up and running so Get better or downgrade your internet
  5. Teddy_

    5th Cartel

    Just not really a fan of this idea theres already plenty of cartels and dlenough ways for gangs to mame money without more passive gang bank money being added to the game most cartels are just sit afk for 20 minutes anyway
  6. Teddy_

    4th gang turf

    Rather put something in the north east tbh that place is dying for content.. maybe a 10% faster processing of illegal items boost and ability to buy vehicles normally only bought at rebel there, not really a fan of bounty hunter boosts / kits in houses idea Kits in house probably a pain to even begin implementing and can see it just break alot of other stuff Bounty huntet loadouts are cheap as is and theres no reason for a skip in northeast or northwest area of the map really.
  7. this looks like aids, smells like aids, and looks like a big fat L
  8. messaged on forum dm
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