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APD Captain
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About Jr4life24

APD Training Command

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  1. Jr4life24

    Rebel Camping

    We already have 7 rebels and back in the day you only had 3, you'll be fine.
  2. o7 and it's been a pleasure to work with you for the past year
  3. Facts. Fuck the anti fun police @Ronald
  4. You mean like the last 6 patches?
  5. Remember that SGT/LT are required 25 hours a month, with a majority of the staff actually pushing 40-50 hours. LTs are earning 300k per 25 hours, which is the equivalent of 3 ifrits just by doing their required hours, SGTs are a bit less as their armor is not nearly as expensive
  6. Effective Immediately The Following Charges are NO LONGER STACKABLE Weapon Trafficking - Now a $5,000 charge This charge is applied when an Individual is in possession of 3 or more weapons that exceed the limit of Personal Use. Possession of Federal Reserve Gold (Gold Bars) - Now a $15,000 charge This charge is applied when an individual is in possession of gold bars Money Laundering- Now a $10,000 charge This charge is applied when an individual is in the possession of Banded Bank Notes Policy regarding event vehicles Any legal server spawned vehicle will have the following policy in place. Shipping, Evidence, Mental, Jewelry vehicles are all standardized to 1 minute all clear to seize, or 3 minute APD control to drive to the nearest HQ. Any Illegal server spawned vehicle will have the following policy in place. Example - Jewelry/Shipping Minigun Quillin - 1 minute all clear to seize, or 3 minute APD control for an LT+ to drive to the nearest HQ. APD VEHICLE Update The Marid has been replaced with the Marshal. The Marshal will follow all previous policy of the Marid. CPL+ can Utilize the APD Rhib Boat which can be Purchased at Boat Shop (This falls under standard vehicle use policy)
  7. The idea is that the Civ needs to do something for a captain to step in, Where as previously it was that the captain can just do what they want when they want to. Things like an incredibly toxic civ can go straight to jail, not sending cops to a 4v15 bank in order to keep our officers on the server and enjoying their time. As of right now it only applies to the active seating captains so myself, Hunter, Innate and Djmon and all of our actions can be checked by the SAs where as prior captains were unchecked by anyone but the owner.
  8. EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY We will now grant ACTIVE seated captains the authority to take unconventional measures when dealing with heinous individuals/groups who consistently violate/disrupt the community. Captains will be allowed to exercise discretion/alternative methods outside of the guidebook to address misconduct ensuring a more effective/immediate response. This is meant to encourage Captains to create an environment where lower-ranking officers can actively participate in an enjoyable experience. Captains will still be bound to the guidebook on these sections with zero leniency. Marid House Raiding Cartel Raiding Professionalism Captains actions can be subject to review via SAs for severe cases of misconduct and will be handled on a case by case basis.
  9. Please welcome @Djmon to the rank of Captain! Please give him a little time to adjust to his new position.
  10. Why not gangs who have active 10-15 players minimum who have been established for over 6months-1year
  11. Helping fix the economy, one malding civilian at a time. Happy to help!
  12. We also had some of the best fed officers on last night and every officer was wielding an MK1, versus two gangs that normally fight in Athira. Do keep that in mind as well. They had us for a while too when trying to take rebel between the 2nd evidence and 1st mental that popped. It was very back and forth until the last evidence.
  13. It is in the Vietnam mod/DLC. Pretty scuffed but it does work
  14. Crimson stands for freedom and will not let that happen
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