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  1. dont get in a heli with me flying then ;)) i'd probably make you want to kill yourself
  2. i did make this post ;) ty for noticing
  3. that sucks dude on the bright side, at least you are able to fly a jet. maybe just get some practice in eden?
  4. i had a huge rant typed out but I thought it'd be dumb to put on forums (i even used proper grammar and everything, mang) so instead: how's everybody doin'? (if any of you need to talk because you feel bad or summin', i'm a good listener) (i know basically 90% of ASYLUM players are depressed, so if you need to talk, ya know)
  5. Šilk Ŗoad Application Forum ╠══╬══ Requirements ══╬══╣ Age: 17+ [Exceptions can be made if recommended by a current member] Deposit: As a step towards trust, we expect a down-payment upon the beginning of your trial week. Your money will be deposited into the gang bank, and whether or not you pass or fail, you will receive your money back at the end of your trial. For those with over 500k: A 100k deposit is expected For those with under 500k: A 50k deposit is expected ╠══╬══ Application ══╬══╣ Age: In-Game Name: Player ID: Estimated Time in ASYLUM servers: Current/Previous Gangs: Have you been banned before? (If yes, why?) How much is in your bank account? (screenshot) How do you know of Šilk Ŗoad? Why do you wish to join Šilk Ŗoad?
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